How to Check & Get Call History of Any Mobile Number

Many people now use cell phones for texting and apps or the internet, but they’re still helpful in making phone calls. If you’re curious about who someone talks to on the phone or what calls they make and receive, you can find out that information by using certain methods. Here are the few reasons you may need to see someone’s call history online: Protecting the elderly or children from scammers Determining the loyalty of your spouse or partner Ensuring employees or workers stay productive



Part 1. How Long Does a Phone Keep Call History

Every phone has a limit to the number or duration of call history that will be retained. For case, some phones can only store up to 6 months or 1- time-old missed call history. Another estimate shows Android phones have a call history limit of over to their last 500 call exertion. As regards the time duration, iPhone only stores 100 calls in the recent tab. Once you stop backing up your call information on iCloud, you can only pierce it for 180 days from your former call backup. Hence, the phone will remove aged entries once you reach the limit if your phone falls under any of these orders.

Part 2. How to Check Recent Call History of a Number

Since the operating systems in mobile bias differ, there are different styles for checking the recent call history of a number. In this section, we will look at the two most popular mobile device operating systems Android and iOS.

On Android Devices

  • Launch the Phone app.
  • If the recent tab is not opened immediately, click on “Recent” at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click on the number you want to check its recent call history.
  • From the dropdown options on the number, tap History. In some devices, it should be Call details or the “i” icon

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